Total Tests
Total Steps
Total Time Taken (Current Run) 269h 20m 4s+615ms
Total Time Taken (Overall) 241h 14512m 870724s+805ms
Start 2018-04-02 11:35:31
End 2018-04-13 16:55:35
Tests View
test(s) passed
test(s) failed, others
Steps View
step(s) passed
step(s) failed, others
Pass Percentage
Param Value
User Name mplesuvu
Java Version 1.8.0_121
Host Name P5RO-PORT885.local
  • UserCanLogin pass
    2018-04-02 11:35:31 2018-04-02 11:36:09 0h 0m 38s+0ms
    Validate login functionality
    Status Timestamp Details
    11:36:09 User '' can login
  • UserCanSubmitNewQuestion pass
    2018-04-02 11:36:22 2018-04-02 11:37:17 0h 0m 55s+0ms
    Validate create question functionality
    Status Timestamp Details
    11:37:16 User can create new question
  • UserCanSubmitNewComment pass
    2018-04-02 11:37:30 2018-04-02 11:38:11 0h 0m 41s+0ms
    Validate create question functionality
    Status Timestamp Details
    11:38:11 User can submit new comment
  • UserCanSubscribeToQuestion pass
    2018-04-02 11:38:30 2018-04-02 11:39:11 0h 0m 41s+0ms
    Validate subscribe functionality
    Status Timestamp Details
    11:39:11 User can subscribe to a question
  • AdminQuestionCommentCreate pass
    2018-04-02 11:43:27 2018-04-02 11:48:49 0h 5m 22s+0ms
    Admin can add a new comment to a question
    Status Timestamp Details
    11:44:09 Admin can add a new comment to a question
  • AdminCreateArticle pass
    2018-04-02 11:49:19 2018-04-02 11:49:47 0h 0m 28s+0ms
    Admin can create a new article
    Status Timestamp Details
    11:49:47 Admin can create a new article
  • AdminCreateQuestion pass
    2018-04-02 11:50:02 2018-04-02 11:50:30 0h 0m 28s+0ms
    Admin can create a new question
    Status Timestamp Details
    11:50:30 Admin can create a new question
  • AdminEleBasAuteurCreate pass
    2018-04-02 11:50:39 2018-04-02 11:51:27 0h 0m 48s+0ms
    Admin can add a new auteur
    Status Timestamp Details
    11:51:26 Admin can add a new auteur
  • AdminEleBasCategoriesCreate pass
    2018-04-02 11:51:37 2018-04-02 11:52:15 0h 0m 38s+0ms
    Admin can create new category
    Status Timestamp Details
    11:52:15 Admin can create new category
  • AdminEleBasServiceCreate pass
    2018-04-02 11:52:29 2018-04-02 11:53:00 0h 0m 31s+0ms
    Admin can create new service
    Status Timestamp Details
    11:53:00 Admin can create new service
  • AdminEleBasTagsCreate pass
    2018-04-02 11:53:11 2018-04-02 11:53:41 0h 0m 30s+0ms
    Admin can create new tags
    Status Timestamp Details
    11:53:41 Admin can create new tags
  • AdminQuestionApprove pass
    2018-04-02 11:54:17 2018-04-02 11:54:47 0h 0m 30s+0ms
    Admin can approve a question
    Status Timestamp Details
    11:54:47 Admin can approve a question
  • AdminQuestionCommentApprove pass
    2018-04-02 11:54:57 2018-04-02 11:55:24 0h 0m 27s+0ms
    Admin can approve a question comment
    Status Timestamp Details
    11:55:24 Admin can approve a question comment
  • AdminQuestionCommentCreate pass
    2018-04-02 11:56:10 2018-04-02 11:56:36 0h 0m 26s+0ms
    Admin can add a new comment to a question
    Status Timestamp Details
    11:56:36 Admin can add a new comment to a question
  • AdminEcommerceCreateBox pass
    2018-04-02 11:58:35 2018-04-02 11:58:42 0h 0m 7s+0ms
    Admin can create a new box
    Status Timestamp Details
    11:58:42 Admin can create a new box
  • AdminEcommerceCreateCupon pass
    2018-04-02 11:59:05 2018-04-02 11:59:16 0h 0m 11s+0ms
    Admin can create a new cupon
    Status Timestamp Details
    11:59:16 Admin can create a new cupon
  • AdminEcommerceCreateProduct pass
    2018-04-02 11:59:38 2018-04-02 12:00:09 0h 0m 31s+0ms
    Admin can create a new product
    Status Timestamp Details
    12:00:09 Admin can create a new question
  • AdminEcommerceCreateService pass
    2018-04-02 12:00:35 2018-04-02 12:00:43 0h 0m 8s+0ms
    Admin can create a new service
    Status Timestamp Details
    12:00:43 Admin can create a new service
  • AdminEcommerceCreateServiceComp pass
    2018-04-02 12:01:05 2018-04-02 12:01:15 0h 0m 10s+0ms
    Admin can create a new ServiceComp
    Status Timestamp Details
    12:01:15 Admin can create a new servicecomp
  • AdminEcommerceCreateProduct pass
    2018-04-10 19:50:39 2018-04-10 19:51:09 0h 0m 30s+0ms
    Admin can create a new product
    Status Timestamp Details
    19:51:09 Admin can create a new question
  • FrontUserCanAddProductToCart pass
    2018-04-13 16:55:23 2018-04-13 16:55:35 0h 0m 11s+524ms
    User can ad product to cart
    Status Timestamp Details
    16:55:35 User can add product to cart